access_token | String | A valid access token. |
title | String | Title of the recipe. |
url | String | Human friendly URL for the recipe. |
description | String | Description of the recipe. |
cover | Image | Cover image for the recipe. |
images | [Image] | Images of recipe |
yield_number | Number | Quantity of recipe yield. |
yield_unit | String | Unit of recipe yield. |
prep_time | Number | Time taken to prepare the recipe in minutes. |
cuisine | String | Cuisine of the recipe. |
course | String | Course of the recipe. |
category | String | Category of the recipe. |
sub_category | String | Sub category of the recipe. |
tags | [String] | Tags for the recipe. |
ease | Number | Easiness of the recipe in the order of 1-5. |
utensils | [utensils_id] | Utensils used for preparation of the recipe. |
ingredients |
| |
instructions |
| |
nutrition |
| |
combinations | [recipe_id] | List of combo recipes. |
variants_of_recipe | [recipe_id] | Varients of the recipe. |
is_private | Boolean | Whether the recipe is private. |
Status: 201